vestir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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vestir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Vestir" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Vestir" means to put clothes on someone or oneself. It is commonly used both in general contexts related to clothing and in more specific medical contexts, such as dressing a wound. The term is frequently used in both oral and written Spanish, with a slightly higher prevalence in everyday spoken language when discussing fashion and personal appearance.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella sabe cómo vestir con estilo.
    She knows how to dress stylishly.

  2. Es importante vestir adecuadamente para la entrevista.
    It's important to dress appropriately for the interview.

  3. El médico tuvo que vestir la herida cuidadosamente.
    The doctor had to dress the wound carefully.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Vestir" also features in several idiomatic expressions, particularly emphasizing styles of clothing or personal characteristics linked to attire.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Vestir de gala
    To dress formally or elegantly.
  2. Ejemplo: Ella siempre viste de gala para las ocasiones especiales.
    She always dresses elegantly for special occasions.

  3. Vestir un poco apretado
    To dress somewhat tightly.

  4. Ejemplo: No me gusta vestir un poco apretado; prefiero la ropa cómoda.
    I don't like to dress tightly; I prefer comfortable clothing.

  5. Vestir como un chico
    To dress like a boy.

  6. Ejemplo: A veces, ella prefiere vestir como un chico por la comodidad.
    Sometimes, she prefers to dress like a boy for comfort.

  7. Vestir con sencillez
    To dress simply.

  8. Ejemplo: A ella le gusta vestir con sencillez, sin muchos adornos.
    She likes to dress simply, without much embellishment.

  9. Vestir a la moda
    To dress fashionably.

  10. Ejemplo: Siempre trata de vestir a la moda, siguiendo las últimas tendencias.
    She always tries to dress fashionably, following the latest trends.


The verb "vestir" comes from Latin "vestire," which means "to dress" or "to clothe." The Latin term is derived from "vestis," meaning "clothing" or "garment."



Overall, "vestir" is a versatile verb with strong applications in both everyday language and specific contexts, such as medical terminology related to clothing and dressing practices.
