vestirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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vestirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "vestirse" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. to dress oneself
  2. to get dressed

Meaning and Usage

"Vestirse" means to put on clothes or to get dressed. It is a reflexive verb, which indicates that the subject is performing the action upon themselves. The frequency of its use is quite common in both oral speech and written contexts, as it pertains to a daily activity that everyone engages in. The verb is mainly used in informal conversations but can also appear in formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta vestirme rápidamente por las mañanas.
    (I like to get dressed quickly in the mornings.)

  2. Ella siempre se viste con mucho estilo.
    (She always dresses with a lot of style.)

  3. Es importante vestirse adecuadamente para una entrevista de trabajo.
    (It is important to dress appropriately for a job interview.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Vestirse" is present in a few idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting different contexts and cultural nuances.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Vestirse de gala
  2. Significado: To dress up formally for an occasion.
  3. Ejemplo: Hoy vamos a vestirmos de gala para la boda de mi primo.
    (Today we are going to dress up formally for my cousin's wedding.)

  4. Vestirse por los pies

  5. Significado: To make an effort to look good or to dress up in an elegant manner.
  6. Ejemplo: Siempre se viste por los pies cuando asiste a eventos importantes.
    (She always dresses up nicely when attending important events.)

  7. No hay que vestirse del pasado

  8. Significado: To not dwell on past mistakes or experiences.
  9. Ejemplo: Es necesario seguir adelante y no vestirse del pasado.
    (It is necessary to move forward and not dwell on the past.)

  10. A vestirse que hay que salir

  11. Significado: A phrase to indicate that it's time to get ready or go out.
  12. Ejemplo: A vestirse que hay que salir a cenar.
    (It's time to get dressed because we have to go out for dinner.)


The verb "vestirse" comes from the Latin word "vestīre," which means "to clothe." The prefix "se" is added to indicate that it is a reflexive verb.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive analysis of the word "vestirse" covers its usage, meaning, idiomatic expressions, and more, and is relevant in various contexts, highlighting its significance in everyday Spanish language.
