"Vinculante" is used primarily in legal contexts to describe something that is binding or obligatory. In law, it often refers to agreements, contracts, or rules that must be followed and have legal consequences if not adhered to. It is a term frequently used in both written and oral contexts, particularly in legal jargon.
The treaty is binding for both parties.
La decisión del tribunal es vinculante y debe ser respetada.
The court's decision is binding and must be respected.
La normativa ambiental es vinculante para todas las empresas del sector.
Although "vinculante" is not typically found in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in certain legal phrases or contexts. Here are a few examples:
This is a contractual relationship in strictly binding terms.
"Obligación vinculante"
The binding obligation to fulfill the agreement is clear.
"Resolución vinculante"
The binding resolution of the council clarified the project's future.
"Compromiso vinculante"
"Vinculante" is derived from the Latin word "vinculans," which means "binding" or "tying." The root "vinculum" denotes a bond or tie, which reflects the term's meaning of establishing a legal or formal obligation.
Synonyms: - Obligatorio - Mandatorio - Compulsorio
Antonyms: - No vinculante (non-binding) - Opcional (optional) - Libre (free)