Viscosity flow
"Viscofluencia" refers to the flow or movement of a substance with viscosity. It is a technical term commonly used in the field of polytechnics. The term describes the behavior of substances that present both viscosity (resistance to deformation) and flow (ability to move). It is mostly used in a written context in specialized technical texts.
La viscofluencia del aceite en el motor es clave para su correcto funcionamiento. (The viscosity flow of the oil in the engine is crucial for its proper functioning.)
Las propiedades de viscofluencia de ciertos polímeros los hacen ideales para ciertas aplicaciones. (The viscosity flow properties of certain polymers make them ideal for certain applications.)
Todo está yendo con la viscofluencia adecuada en el proyecto. (Everything is going smoothly in the project.)
"Detener la viscofluencia": This expression refers to stopping the flow or movement of something that was happening smoothly.
The word "viscofluencia" is a combination of "visco" from "viscosidad" (viscosity) and "fluencia" (flow) in Spanish.