The word "vista" in Spanish refers to the act of seeing, the range of sight, or the visual perception of objects. It can also denote a scenic view or perspective. "Vista" is commonly used in various contexts, including general conversation, literature, and even artistic descriptions. The frequency of use is relatively high, both in oral speech and written contexts.
The view from the mountain is breathtaking.
Necesitamos mejorar la vista del gráfico en la presentación.
While "vista" may not be as prevalent in idiomatic expressions as some other words, it does appear in a few notable phrases.
"At first glance, it seems there are no problems."
Ver con buenos ojos
"The boss always views creative proposals favorably."
No hay vista
"In this cave, there is no view; everything is dark."
Con vista a
The word "vista" derives from the Latin "vista", which means "sight" or "view". Its roots connect back to the verb "videre", which means "to see." The transition from Latin to modern Spanish has maintained a similar meaning.
- perspectiva (perspective)
- panorama (panorama)
- visión (vision)
- ceguera (blindness)
- oscuridad (darkness)
- ugliness (ugliness)