vivir a - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

vivir a (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

The user input "Vivir A" is a combination of a verb "vivir" (to live) and a preposition "a" (to).

Phonetic transcription

Usage in Spanish

The combination "vivir a" is commonly used in Spanish language. The preposition "a" in this context usually denotes the direction towards which someone is living or the means by which something is lived. This expression is used both in oral and written contexts and is of moderate frequency.

Example Sentences

  1. Prefiero vivir a la orilla del mar.
    (I prefer to live by the seashore.)

  2. Él sabe vivir a plenitud.
    (He knows how to live life to the fullest.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Vivir a" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Vivir a cuerpo de rey. (To live like a king.)

  2. Vivir a dos velas. (To live on a shoestring.)

  3. Vivir a todo tren. (To live in grand style.)

  4. No se puede vivir a costa de los demás. (One cannot live at the expense of others.)

  5. Vivir a todo gas. (To live life in the fast lane.)

  6. Vivir a base de ilusiones. (To live on illusions.)


The verb "vivir" comes from the Latin word "vivĕre", which means to live. The preposition "a" has Latin origins as well, meaning to or towards.

Synonyms and Antonyms