y todo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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y todo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "y todo" functions as a conjunction.

Phonetic Transcription

/ i ˈto.ðo /

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Y todo" is a colloquial expression commonly used in Spanish to mean "and everything", "and all", or "and everything else", often implying inclusiveness or completeness. It is frequently utilized in both oral and written contexts, but its casual nature means it tends to appear more in spoken Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. "Fui al mercado, compré frutas, verduras y todo."
  2. "I went to the market, bought fruits, vegetables, and everything."

  3. "Ella siempre añade detalles a sus historias, y todo es muy curioso."

  4. "She always adds details to her stories, and everything is very interesting."

  5. "Él me contó sobre su viaje, y todo sonaba increíble."

  6. "He told me about his trip, and everything sounded amazing."

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "y todo" is often part of various colloquial expressions in Spanish that convey a sense of inclusion or finality. Here are some examples:

  1. "Hicimos la tarea, estudiamos y todo."
  2. "We did the homework, studied, and everything."

  3. "Me gusta el chocolate, las galletas y todo."

  4. "I like chocolate, cookies, and everything."

  5. "Invitó a sus amigos a la fiesta, a su familia y todo."

  6. "He invited his friends to the party, his family, and everything."

  7. "Ella tuvo un mal día: perdió el autobús, olvidó su almuerzo y todo."

  8. "She had a bad day: she missed the bus, forgot her lunch, and everything."

  9. "Fui a la playa, nadé, tomé el sol y todo."

  10. "I went to the beach, swam, sunbathed, and everything."


The phrase "y todo" combines the conjunction "y" (and) from Latin "et" with "todo", which comes from the Latin "totum", meaning "all" or "whole". The phrase has evolved in the Spanish language as a colloquial way to encompass all items or ideas.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - "y todo eso" (and all that) - "y todo lo demás" (and everything else)

Antonyms: - "pero no todo" (but not everything) - "sin nada" (without anything)

The phrase "y todo" is a useful and versatile expression in Spanish, highlighting its inclusive nature through both its direct meaning and its incorporation into various idiomatic forms.
