yerno - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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yerno (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "yerno" refers to the husband of one's daughter. It is used in familial relationships to indicate that a man is related to someone through marriage to their daughter. It is a commonly used term in both oral and written contexts in Spanish-speaking cultures. The frequency of use is quite high, especially in discussions related to family dynamics.

Example Sentences

  1. Mi yerno nos visitará este fin de semana.
  2. My son-in-law will visit us this weekend.

  3. Mi madre siempre dice que mi yerno es un buen partido.

  4. My mother always says that my son-in-law is a good catch.

  5. Los yernos a menudo son recibidos como parte de la familia.

  6. Sons-in-law are often welcomed as part of the family.

Idiomatic Expressions with "yerno"

While "yerno" is not frequently found in a wide range of idiomatic expressions, it can be part of some family-related phrases. Below are some examples:

  1. Yerno de oro
  2. "El yerno de oro de la familia siempre se lleva la mejor parte."
  3. The family's golden son-in-law always gets the best part.

  4. Ser yerno es un privilegio

  5. "Para algunos, ser yerno es un privilegio, pero para otros puede ser un desafío."
  6. For some, being a son-in-law is a privilege, but for others, it can be a challenge.

  7. La apreciación hacia el yerno

  8. "La apreciación hacia el yerno crece con el tiempo si muestra su compromiso."
  9. The appreciation for the son-in-law grows over time if he shows his commitment.


The term "yerno" comes from the Latin word "gener", which means son-in-law or offspring. The evolution of the word reflects its consistent use in family contexts throughout history.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Having established relationships, such terms are key components in understanding familial structures, particularly in discussions around marriage and parenthood.
