yerto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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yerto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

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Meaning and Usage

The word "yerto" is used primarily in Spanish to describe something that is stiff or rigid, often referring to a physical state. It can also imply lifelessness, either in a literal sense (as in a body that is not moving) or a metaphorical one (as in a lack of emotion or vitality). It is a somewhat formal term, less frequently used in casual spoken language compared to more common synonyms. However, it might appear more in written contexts, particularly in literary or poetic expressions.

Example Sentences

  1. El cuerpo yerto del soldado fue descubierto en el campo de batalla.
  2. The stiff body of the soldier was discovered on the battlefield.

  3. El clima yerto del invierno dejó la ciudad desierta.

  4. The lifeless climate of winter left the city deserted.

  5. Sus sentimientos se sentían yertos tras la noticia.

  6. His feelings felt lifeless after the news.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "yerto" is not as commonly found in idiomatic expressions as some other adjectives. However, when it does appear, it is often in more formal, literary contexts or in metaphorical phrases that relate to rigidity or lifelessness.

  1. "Se siente yerto como un árbol en invierno."
  2. "He feels as stiff as a tree in winter."

  3. "Su postura era yerta como una estatua."

  4. "His posture was rigid like a statue."

  5. "Las emociones se volvieron yertas tras la tragedia."

  6. "The emotions became lifeless after the tragedy."


The word "yerto" has its roots in the Latin word "firmus," which means strong or steadfast. Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to convey meanings associated with rigidity and lack of movement.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - rígido (rigid) - inhábil (clumsy, unable) - inmóvil (motionless)

Antonyms: - flexible (flexible) - ágil (agile) - vivo (alive)
