yeso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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yeso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "yeso" in Spanish primarily refers to plaster, a building material used for coating walls and ceilings or for creating sculptures and molds. In the medical field, "yeso" often refers to a cast used for immobilizing broken bones. The frequency of usage in Spanish is high, given its prevalence in both construction and medical contexts. "Yeso" is commonly used in both oral speech and written texts, although in technical discussions about construction or medicine, it may appear more frequently in written form.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos comprar yeso para reparar la pared del salón.
  2. We need to buy plaster to repair the living room wall.

  3. El médico le puso un yeso en la pierna después del accidente.

  4. The doctor put a cast on his leg after the accident.

  5. El escultor utiliza yeso para crear modelos antes de hacer la escultura final.

  6. The sculptor uses plaster to create models before making the final sculpture.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "yeso" may not feature prominently in many idiomatic expressions, it does play a role in a few colloquial phrases. Here's a selection of phrases and their meanings:

  1. "Estar como un yeso"
  2. Meaning: To be very rigid or stiff.
  3. Example: A veces, después de hacer ejercicio, estoy como un yeso.
  4. Translation: Sometimes, after exercising, I feel very stiff.

  5. "Hacer un yeso"

  6. Meaning: To create a cast (in the medical sense) or to prepare a very solid plan.
  7. Example: Antes de operar, el cirujano hará un yeso de la pierna para asegurarse de que todo esté en su lugar.
  8. Translation: Before operating, the surgeon will make a cast of the leg to ensure everything is in place.

  9. "Echar yeso"

  10. Meaning: To apply plaster; also sometimes used to mean to cover something up.
  11. Example: El trabajador está echando yeso en la pared para que quede lisa.
  12. Translation: The worker is applying plaster to the wall to make it smooth.


The term "yeso" comes from the Latin word "gypsum," which refers to the mineral gypsum. This mineral is a key component in producing plaster and has been used since ancient times in building practices and art.

Synonyms and Antonyms


