yunque - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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yunque (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Anvil
  2. Hammer (in some contexts, particularly in construction and metallurgy)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "yunque" primarily refers to a heavy steel or iron block on which heated metal is shaped and forged by a hammer. It is an essential tool in metallurgy and blacksmithing. The word is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, although it tends to appear more in specialized fields like construction, metalworking, and craftsmanship.

Example Sentences

  1. El herrero golpeó el metal sobre el yunque.
  2. The blacksmith hammered the metal on the anvil.

  3. Necesitamos un yunque más grande para este trabajo.

  4. We need a bigger anvil for this job.

  5. El sonido del martillo golpeando el yunque resonaba en la forja.

  6. The sound of the hammer hitting the anvil echoed in the forge.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "yunque" is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, it can sometimes be used metaphorically to imply strength or solidity, as well as resilience, much like the anvil in its literal context. Here are a few creative expressions that incorporate "yunque":

  1. Estar hecho de yunque
  2. Significado: Ser muy fuerte y resistente.
  3. Traducción: To be made of anvil
  4. Ejemplo: Después de superar tantas dificultades, está hecho de yunque.
    Translation: After overcoming so many difficulties, he is made of anvil.

  5. Caer sobre el yunque

  6. Significado: Recibir un golpe duro, enfrentarse a una situación difícil.
  7. Traducción: To fall on the anvil
  8. Ejemplo: Su reputación cayó sobre el yunque cuando se revelaron sus mentiras.
    Translation: His reputation fell on the anvil when his lies were revealed.

  9. Trabajar como un yunque

  10. Significado: Trabajar duramente y de manera incansable.
  11. Traducción: To work like an anvil
  12. Ejemplo: Ella trabaja como un yunque, nunca se rinde.
    Translation: She works like an anvil, she never gives up.


The word "yunque" comes from the Latin word incus, which means "anvil." This term has evolved in Spanish, maintaining its connection to metalworking and craftsmanship.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Bisel (context-dependent, can refer to an edge or a bevel) - Piedra de afilar (sharpening stone, context-dependent)

Antonyms: - Martillo (hammer, as it is often used in conjunction with an anvil) - There are no direct antonyms, as "yunque" denotes a specific tool.

In summary, "yunque" carries a strong connotation of resilience and strength, both in its literal meaning and in metaphorical uses within the language. Though not loaded with idiomatic expressions, it contributes to the rich tapestry of expressions depicting hard work and durability.
