achar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

achar (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription: /a.ˈʃaɾ/

Meanings and Usage: "Achar" in Portuguese means "to find" or "to think." It is a very common verb in the language, used in both oral and written contexts. It is frequently used in everyday conversations.

Verb Tenses: - Present: eu acho, você acha, ele/ela acha, nós achamos, vocês acham, eles/elas acham - Past: eu achei, você achou, ele/ela achou, nós achamos, vocês acharam, eles/elas acharam - Future: eu acharei, você achará, ele/ela achará, nós acharemos, vocês acharão, eles/elas acharão

Gerund Form: The gerund form of "achar" is "achando."

Example Phrases: 1. Eu acho que ele está mentindo. (I think he is lying.) 2. Eles acharam o tesouro enterrado. (They found the buried treasure.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Achar" is often used in many idiomatic expressions in Portuguese: 1. Achar graça (to find something funny): Não achei graça na piada. (I didn't find the joke funny.) 2. Achar que (to think, to believe): Eu acho que você está certo. (I think you're right.) 3. Achar-se com (to find oneself seeing): Achei-me com dificuldade de entender o que ela quis dizer. (I found myself having a hard time understanding what she meant.)

Etymology: The word "achar" comes from the Latin word "ad captare," which means "to seize" or "to find."

Synonyms: - Encontrar (to find) - Pensar (to think) - Crer (to believe)

Antonyms: - Perder (to lose) - Ignorar (to ignore)