afoito - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

afoito (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun/Adjective

Meanings: - Noun: someone brave, daring, or impulsive. - Adjective: brave, daring, impulsive.

Usage patterns: "Afoito" is more commonly used in written Portuguese rather than in oral speech. It is not an extremely frequent term, but it is still recognized and understood by Portuguese speakers.

Examples in Sentences: 1. Ele é muito afoito e gosta de assumir grandes desafios. (He is very daring and likes to take on big challenges.) 2. Ela teve uma reação afoita diante da situação. (She had a rash reaction to the situation.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Afoito" is not often part of idiomatic expressions in Portuguese.

Etymology: The word "afoito" comes from the Latin "ad-factus" which means "to act upon," referring to behavior that is impulsive or daring.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: - Corajoso (Brave) - Intrépido (Intrepid) - Destemido (Fearless)

Antonyms: - Covarde (Cowardly) - Tímido (Timid) - Amedrontado (Afraid)