andar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

andar (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun and verb.

Phonetic transcription: - Noun: [ɐ̃ˈdaɾ] - Verb: [ɐ̃ˈdaɾ]

Meanings: - Noun: "Andar" can mean a walk or a stroll. - Verb: As a verb, "andar" means "to walk" or "to move." It is a very common verb in Portuguese.

Usage patterns: The word "andar" is frequently used in both oral and written Portuguese. It is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to formal writing.

Verb tenses for "andar" (to walk): - Present: eu ando, tu andas, ele/ela anda, nós andamos, vós andais, eles/elas andam - Past: eu andei, tu andaste, ele/ela andou, nós andamos, vós andastes, eles/elas andaram - Future: eu andarei, tu andarás, ele/ela andará, nós andaremos, vós andareis, eles/elas andarão - Gerund: andando

Example phrases: 1. Noun: Gosto de dar um andar pela praia ao entardecer. (I like to take a walk on the beach at dusk.) 2. Verb: Eu ando todos os dias para manter a forma. (I walk every day to stay in shape.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Andar" is used in several common idiomatic expressions in Portuguese: 1. Andar à toa: To wander aimlessly around. - Estava andando à toa pelas ruas da cidade. (He was wandering aimlessly around the city.)

  1. Andar nas nuvens: To be daydreaming or not paying attention.
  2. Desde que começou a namorar, ele só anda nas nuvens. (Since he started dating, he's been daydreaming all the time.)

  3. Andar de mãos dadas: To walk hand in hand.

  4. O casal seguia feliz, andando de mãos dadas. (The couple was happily walking hand in hand.)

Etymology: The word "andar" comes from the Latin word "ambulare," which means "to walk."

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: Caminhar (to walk), perambular (to wander), passear (to stroll). - Antonyms: Parar (to stop), estagnar (to stagnate), repousar (to rest).