arranjar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

arranjar (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:
The word "arranjar" in Portuguese is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription:

Meanings and Usage:
- Meanings: "Arranjar" can be translated to English as "to arrange", "to fix", "to get" or "to sort out." It is a versatile verb used in various contexts. - Usage Patterns: "Arranjar" is frequently used in both spoken and written Portuguese. It is a common verb that appears in everyday conversations. It can be used in formal and informal contexts interchangeably.

Verb Tenses:
- Present: arranjo, arranjas, arranja, arranjamos, arranjais, arranjam - Imperfect: arranjava, arranjavas, arranjava, arranjávamos, arranjáveis, arranjavam - Future: arranjarei, arranjarás, arranjará, arranjaremos, arranjareis, arranjarão

Gerund Form:
The gerund form of "arranjar" is "arranjando."

Example Phrases:
1. Eu preciso arranjar meu quarto.
(I need to tidy up my room.) 2. Vou arranjar uma solução para o problema.
(I will find a solution to the problem.)

Idiomatic Expressions:
"Arranjar" is often part of idiomatic expressions in Portuguese. Here are a few examples:
1. Arranjar confusão
- Meaning: To cause trouble. - Example: Ele sempre consegue arranjar confusão por onde passa.
(He always manages to cause trouble wherever he goes.) 2. Arranjar tempo
- Meaning: To find time. - Example: Vou arranjar tempo para te ajudar com isso.
(I will find time to help you with that.) 3. Arranjar-se
- Meaning: To manage or cope with a situation. - Example: Ele sempre consegue arranjar-se mesmo nas situações mais difíceis.
(He always manages to cope even in the most difficult situations.)

The word "arranjar" in Portuguese comes from the Latin word "arrogare", meaning "to make fit, appropriate, or suitable."

Synonyms and Antonyms:
Synonyms: organizar, resolver, ajeitar
Antonyms: desorganizar, estragar, abandonar