assim - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

assim (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Adverb

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: "Assim" in Portuguese translates to "like this" or "this way" in English. It is used to refer to a situation, action, or manner in a similar way to what was just described or observed. - Usage: "Assim" is a common adverb in Portuguese and is used both in spoken and written language. It is used to explain, describe, or compare how something is done or how something should be.

Examples: 1. Portuguese: Ele explicou o processo assim. English: He explained the process like this.

  1. Portuguese: Não sei fazer assim, podes mostrar-me? English: I don't know how to do this, can you show me?

Idiomatic Expressions: "Assim" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Portuguese: 1. Assim assim - So-so / Neither good nor bad Portuguese: Como está? - Assim assim. English: How are you? - So-so.

  1. Assim que - As soon as Portuguese: Assim que terminar, venha ter comigo. English: Come to me as soon as you finish.

  2. Assim como - Just as / in the same way Portuguese: Ela corre assim como ele. English: She runs just as he does.

  3. Assim não dá! - This won't work! / This is not acceptable! Portuguese: Assim não dá! Temos que encontrar uma solução. English: This won't work! We have to find a solution.

Etymology: The word "assim" in Portuguese comes from the Latin word "sicum," which means "in this way."

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: 1. Desta forma - In this way 2. Deste modo - Like this / This way

Antonyms: 1. De outra forma - In another way 2. De maneira diferente - Differently