badalada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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badalada (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: /bɐ.dɐ.ˈla.dɐ/

Meanings and Usage: - Meaning: "Badalada" in Portuguese refers to the ringing of bells, typically in churches. It can also be used metaphorically to mean the impact or resonance of an event. - Usage Patterns: This word is more commonly used in written context, such as literature or formal texts. It is not as frequently used in everyday oral speech.

Examples: 1. A badalada dos sinos ecoava pela vila. (The ringing of the bells echoed through the village.) 2. Aquela notícia não teve grande badalada. (That news did not make a big impact.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Badalada" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions.

Etymology: The word "badalada" comes from the verb "badalar," meaning "to ring (bells)," which in turn is derived from the Latin word "batu(l)lare," with the same meaning.

Synonyms: - Synonyms: Toque, sino (chime, bell) - Antonyms: Silêncio (silence)

By providing these details about "badalada," we have explored its meanings, usage patterns, examples, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and synonyms/antonyms. Should you need further information or have any other questions, feel free to ask!