baixo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

baixo (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:

Phonetic Transcription:
/'baj.ʃu/ (Portuguese)
/'beɪ.ləʊ/ (English)

- Noun: Refers to "low" or "low position." - Adjective: Means "low" or "short."

Usage Patterns:
The word "baixo" is commonly used in both oral and written context in Portuguese. It is a versatile word that is used frequently in everyday language to describe things or people that are low in height, position, or volume.

Verb Conjugation:
"Baixo" is not a verb, therefore it does not have conjugations in different tenses.

Example Phrases:
1. Ele é baixo.
Translation: He is short. 2. O volume está muito baixo.
Translation: The volume is very low.

Idiomatic Expressions:
The word "baixo" is used in several common idiomatic expressions in Portuguese:
1. "Ficar de baixa" - to be on sick leave
2. "Baixar a guarda" - to let your guard down
3. "Ficar em baixa" - to be in low spirits

Examples of Idiomatic Expressions:
1. Ele teve que ficar de baixa por uma semana.
Translation: He had to be on sick leave for a week. 2. Não baixe a guarda diante dos desafios.
Translation: Don't let your guard down in the face of challenges. 3. Ultimamente, tenho ficado em baixa por causa do trabalho.
Translation: Lately, I have been in low spirits because of work.

The word "baixo" in Portuguese has Latin origins. It comes from the Latin word "bassus," meaning "low" or "short."

- Noun: reduzido (low) - Adjective: pequeno (small)

- Noun: alto (high) - Adjective: alto (tall)