compreender - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compreender (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription: /kõ.pɾeˈẽ.dɾ/

Meanings and Usage: "Compreender" means "to understand" in Portuguese. It is a commonly used verb in both oral and written contexts. This verb is used to express the action of grasping or comprehending something. It is frequently used in everyday conversations, formal discussions, written texts, and more.

Verb Conjugations: - Present: - Eu compreendo (I understand) - Tu compreendes (You understand) - Ele/Ela compreende (He/She understands) - Nós compreendemos (We understand) - Vós compreendeis (You all understand) - Eles/Elas compreendem (They understand)

Gerund Form: Compreendendo (Understanding)

Example Phrases: 1. Eu preciso compreender a situação antes de decidir. (I need to understand the situation before deciding.) 2. Compreendes o que estou dizendo? (Do you understand what I'm saying?)

Idiomatic Expressions: Some common idiomatic expressions with "compreender" include: 1. Compreender a mensagem - to understand the message 2. Compreender completamente - to understand completely 3. Compreender o significado - to understand the meaning 4. Compreender a importância - to understand the importance 5. Compreender as entrelinhas - to read between the lines

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions: 1. Ela finalmente compreendeu a mensagem que eu estava tentando transmitir. (She finally understood the message I was trying to convey.) 2. Eles compreenderam completamente o desafio que estavam enfrentando. (They completely understood the challenge they were facing.) 3. Eu preciso compreender o significado por trás das suas ações. (I need to understand the meaning behind your actions.) 4. Nós ainda não compreendemos a importância desse projeto. (We still don't understand the importance of this project.) 5. Eles são bons em compreender as entrelinhas em uma conversa. (They are good at reading between the lines in a conversation.)

Etymology: "Compreender" comes from the Latin word "comprehendere," which means "to grasp" or "to understand."

Synonyms: - Entender (to understand) - Perceber (to perceive) - Assimilar (to assimilate)

Antonyms: - Ignorar (to ignore) - Confundir (to confuse) - Desconhecer (to be unaware of)