conhecer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conhecer (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: - Verb

Phonetic transcription: - /'seʁ /

Meanings: - "Conhecer" in Portuguese means "to know" in English. It can refer to knowing someone, becoming familiar with a place, understanding a concept, being aware of something, or meeting a person for the first time. It is a versatile verb used to express various forms of knowledge or acquaintance.

Usage patterns: - "Conhecer" is a very common verb in Portuguese, used both in oral and written contexts. It is more frequently used in oral speech in everyday conversations.

Verb forms: - Present: eu conheço, tu conheces, ele/ela/você conhece, nós conhecemos, vós conheceis, eles/elas/vocês conhecem - Present continuous: estar conhecendo - Present perfect: tenho conhecido - Future: conhecerei - Past preterite: eu conheci - Imperfect: eu conhecia - Pluperfect: eu conhecera - Future subjunctive: quando conhecer - Present subjunctive: que eu conheça - Imperfect subjunctive: se eu conhecesse - Gerund: conhecendo

Example phrases: 1. Eu conheço bem essa cidade. (I know this city well.) 2. Vamos nos conhecer melhor. (Let's get to know each other better.)

Idiomatic expressions: - "Conhecer de cor e salteado" is an idiomatic expression in Portuguese that means "to know something like the back of your hand". It indicates a high level of familiarity or knowledge about a subject. - "Conhecer como a palma da mão" translates to "to know like the palm of your hand" and carries a similar meaning to the previous expression.

Examples of idiomatic expressions: 1. Ela conhece de cor e salteado todos os detalhes do plano. (She knows every detail of the plan like the back of her hand.) 2. Depois de tantos anos morando aqui, conheço esta cidade como a palma da minha mão. (After so many years living here, I know this city like the palm of my hand.)

Etymology: - The word "conhecer" comes from the Latin "cognōscere", which means "to know".

Synonyms: - Saber (to know) - Entender (to understand) - Reconhecer (to recognize)

Antonyms: - Ignorar (to ignore) - Desconhecer (to not know)