desejar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

desejar (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Meanings and Usage:

"Desejar" means "to wish" or "to desire" in English. It is a common verb in Portuguese and is used frequently both in oral speech and in written contexts. It can be used to express desires and wishes in various situations.

Verb Tenses:

Gerund form:



  1. Eu desejo paz e felicidade para todos.
    (I wish peace and happiness for everyone.)
  2. Ela deseja um novo emprego para o próximo ano.
    (She wishes for a new job next year.)

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Desejar" is often used in various Portuguese idiomatic expressions:

  1. Desejar sorte
    Literal translation: to wish luck
    Meaning: to wish good luck
    Example: Eu desejo sorte na sua nova jornada.
    Translation: I wish you luck on your new journey.

  2. Desejar boa viagem
    Literal translation: to wish a good trip
    Meaning: to wish a safe journey
    Example: Vamos desejar-lhe uma boa viagem.
    Translation: Let's wish them a safe journey.

  3. Desejar felicidades
    Literal translation: to wish happiness
    Meaning: to wish happiness
    Example: Desejo felicidades ao casal que se casou hoje.
    Translation: I wish happiness to the couple who got married today.


The word "desejar" comes from the Latin word "desiderare," which means "to long for" or "to desire."

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: - Almejar (to aspire) - Querer (to want) - Ambicionar (to aim)

Antonyms: - Abominar (to abhor) - Repudiar (to reject) - Dispensar (to waive)