encontrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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encontrar (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription: /ẽkõ.'traɾ/

Meanings: The word "encontrar" in Portuguese means "to find" or "to meet." It is commonly used to refer to the act of locating something or someone, as well as to encounter someone unexpectedly. This verb is versatile and can be used in various contexts both in oral and written communication.

Verb Forms: - Present: eu encontro, tu encontras, ele/ela encontra, nós encontramos, vós encontrais, eles/elas encontram - Past: eu encontrei, tu encontraste, ele/ela encontrou, nós encontramos, vós encontrastes, eles/elas encontraram - Future: eu encontrarei, tu encontrarás, ele/ela encontrará, nós encontraremos, vós encontrareis, eles/elas encontrarão

Gerund: encontrando

Usage Patterns: "Encontrar" is a common verb in Portuguese and is used frequently in both oral and written contexts. It is a fundamental verb that appears in everyday conversations and texts.

Examples: 1. Eu espero encontrar a solução para este problema. (I hope to find the solution to this problem.) 2. Vamos nos encontrar no parque amanhã. (Let's meet at the park tomorrow.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - "Encontrar o amor da sua vida" (to find the love of your life) - "Encontrar o caminho certo" (to find the right path) - "Encontrar o ponto de equilíbrio" (to find the balance point)

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions: 1. Espero um dia encontrar o amor da minha vida. (I hope to find the love of my life one day.) 2. É importante encontrar o caminho certo para alcançar o sucesso. (It is important to find the right path to achieve success.) 3. Vou tentar encontrar o ponto de equilíbrio entre o trabalho e a família. (I will try to find the balance point between work and family.)

Etymology: The word "encontrar" in Portuguese comes from the Latin word "incontrare," which means "to meet" or "to encounter."

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: achar (to find), descobrir (to discover), localizar (to locate) - Antonyms: perder (to lose), esconder (to hide), desaparecer (to disappear)