levantar-se - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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levantar-se (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription: /lɨ.vɐ̃ˈtaɾ sɨ/

Meanings: The word "levantar-se" in Portuguese means "to get up" or "to stand up." It is a reflexive verb, meaning it is used with a reflexive pronoun, like "se" in this case, to indicate that the subject is performing the action on itself.

Usage: "Levantar-se" is a commonly used verb in both oral and written Portuguese. It is frequently used in everyday conversations and formal written texts.

Verb Tenses: - Present: levanto-me, levantas-te, levanta-se, levantamo-nos, levantais-vos, levantam-se - Preterite (Past): levantei-me, levantaste-te, levantou-se, levantamo-nos, levantastes-vos, levantaram-se - Imperfect: levantava-me, levantavas-te, levantava-se, levantávamo-nos, levantáveis-vos, levantavam-se - Future: levantar-me-ei, levantar-te-ás, levantar-se-á, levantar-nos-emos, levantar-vos-eis, levantar-se-ão - Conditional: levantar-me-ia, levantar-te-ias, levantaria-se, levantar-nos-íamos, levantar-vos-íeis, levantariam-se - Present Subjunctive: levante-me, levantes-te, levante-se, levantemo-nos, levanteis-vos, levantem-se

Gerund: levantando-se

Examples: 1. Ela costuma levantar-se cedo todas as manhãs. (She usually gets up early every morning.) 2. Não se levantem ainda, o jantar ainda não está pronto. (Don't get up yet, dinner is not ready yet.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Levantar-se" is used in several idiomatic expressions in Portuguese: 1. Levantar-se com o pé direito: Literally means "to get up with the right foot," figuratively means starting the day on a positive note. - Eles levantaram-se com o pé direito e tiveram um dia ótimo. (They got up on the right foot and had a great day.) 2. Levantar-se contra algo/alguém: To stand up against something or someone, to oppose. - Eles decidiram levantar-se contra as injustiças do sistema. (They decided to stand up against the injustices of the system.) 3. Levantar-se da cama: To get out of bed. - Hoje foi difícil levantar-me da cama, estou muito cansado. (Today it was hard to get out of bed, I am very tired.)

Etymology: The word "levantar-se" comes from the Latin word "levantāre," which means "to raise."

Synonyms: erguer-se, levantar, erguer

Antonyms: sentar-se, deitar-se, abaixar-se