panela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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panela (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /ˈpɐ.nɛ.lɐ/

Meanings and usage: "Panela" in Portuguese refers to a cooking pot or pan. It is a very common word in Brazilian Portuguese used to cook a variety of dishes. The word "panela" is used in both oral and written contexts and is considered a neutral term.

Verb forms: As "panela" is a noun, it does not have verb forms.

Examples: 1. Eu comprei uma nova panela para a minha cozinha. (I bought a new pot for my kitchen.) 2. O arroz está queimando na panela. (The rice is burning in the pan.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Panela" is a key component in several idiomatic expressions in Portuguese. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Ficar na panela": This expression means to be in a difficult or uncomfortable situation.
  2. Eles estão realmente na panela com essa situação. (They are really in trouble with this situation.)

  3. "Ladrão que rouba ladrão tem cem anos de perdão": This popular saying in Portuguese is often used to justify doing something questionable in retaliation to someone who previously wronged you.

  4. Ele diz que vai roubar o dinheiro do chefe, mas ladrão que rouba ladrão tem cem anos de perdão. (He says he is going to steal money from the boss, but tit for tat - two wrongs don't make a right.)

  5. "Mexer na mesma panela": This expression means to be involved in the same wrongdoing.

  6. Eles devem estar mexendo na mesma panela para se ajudarem tanto. (They must be involved in the same wrongdoing to help each other so much.)

Etymology: The word "panela" comes from Latin "panna," which means a cooking vessel or pan.

Synonyms: - Tacho (pot) - Caçarola (casserole dish) - Frigideira (frying pan)

Antonyms: - Prato (plate) - Copo (glass)