perceber (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Part of Speech
- Perceber is a verb in Portuguese.
- Perceber means "to perceive" or "to understand" in English.
- It is a common verb in Portuguese, used both in oral and written contexts.
Verb Conjugation
- Presente (Present):
- Eu percebo (I perceive)
- Tu percebes (You perceive)
- Ele/Ela percebe (He/She perceives)
- Nós percebemos (We perceive)
- Vós percebeis (You all perceive)
Eles/Elas percebem (They perceive)
Pretérito Perfeito (Simple Past):
- Eu percebi (I perceived)
- Tu percebeste (You perceived)
- Ele/Ela percebeu (He/She perceived)
- Nós percebemos (We perceived)
- Vós percebestes (You all perceived)
Eles/Elas perceberam (They perceived)
Futuro (Future):
- Eu perceberei (I will perceive)
- Tu perceberás (You will perceive)
- Ele/Ela perceberá (He/She will perceive)
- Nós perceberemos (We will perceive)
- Vós percebereis (You all will perceive)
- Eles/Elas perceberão (They will perceive)
- Eu consigo perceber a beleza desse lugar. (I can perceive the beauty of this place.)
- Ela não percebeu o que estava acontecendo. (She didn't understand what was happening.)
Idiomatic Expressions
- Estar a perceber: to understand or realize.
Ele não está a perceber a gravidade da situação. (He is not realizing the seriousness of the situation.)
Perceber de: to understand about, to have knowledge in a specific area.
Ele percebe de informática. (He has knowledge about computers.)
Não perceber patavina: to not understand anything at all, to be clueless.
Ele não percebe patavina de matemática. (He doesn't understand anything about mathematics.)
Ter percebido os sinais: to have noticed the signs or signals, to have perceived something.
- Ela tinha percebido os sinais de alerta antes do acidente. (She had noticed the warning signs before the accident.)
- The word "perceber" comes from the Latin word "percipere," which means "to seize" or "to understand."
Synonyms and Antonyms
- Entender (to understand)
- Compreender (to comprehend)
- Desconhecer (to not know)
- Ignorar (to ignore)