vela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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vela (portuguese) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /ˈvɛ.lɐ/

Meanings: 1. Candle - a stick of wax with a wick in the middle, which produces light when burned. 2. Sail - a piece of material extended on a mast to catch the wind and propel a boat or ship.

Usage patterns: The word "vela" is a common term in the Portuguese language, used both in oral speech and written context. It is more frequently used to refer to "candle" in everyday language, while in a nautical context, it is used to refer to "sail."

Examples: 1. Acendi uma vela para iluminar o quarto. (I lit a candle to illuminate the room.) 2. O barco está deslizando suavemente com a vela cheia de vento. (The boat is gliding smoothly with the sail full of wind.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Esticar a vela" - literal translation is "to stretch the sail," meaning to make an effort, to do one's best. - Vamos esticar a vela para terminar este projeto a tempo. (Let's do our best to finish this project on time.)

"Apagar a vela" - literal translation is "to put out the candle," meaning to die. - Se não cuidarmos da saúde, podemos apagar a vela mais cedo. (If we don't take care of our health, we might die sooner.)

"Acender a vela" - literal translation is "to light the candle," meaning to start a new business project. - Ele decidiu acender a vela e abrir sua própria empresa. (He decided to start a new business and open his own company.)

Etymology: The word "vela" has its origin in Latin, derived from the word "candela," meaning "candle." In the nautical sense, it is related to the Latin word "velum," which means "sail."

Synonyms and Antonyms: Synonyms: - Candeeiro (candleholder) - Luz (light)

Antonyms: - Escuro (dark) - Sombra (shadow)