Part of speech: Noun
Phonetic transcription: [ɪsˈpɔlnʲɪtʲɪlʲ]
Meanings: The word "исполнитель" in Russian can have the following meanings: 1. Performer/Executor - a person who performs or executes a task, duty, or role. 2. Artist/Entertainer - a person who performs on stage, such as a musician, singer, actor, or dancer.
Usage patterns: "Исполнитель" is a commonly used word in Russian, found in both oral and written contexts. It is frequently used to refer to professionals in various fields who carry out tasks, duties, or performances.
Verb forms: - Present: исполнять (to perform/execute) - Past: исполнил - Future: исполнит
Example phrases: 1. Я хочу стать успешным исполнителем. (I want to become a successful performer.) 2. На концерте выступил известный исполнитель. (A famous artist performed at the concert.)
Idiomatic expressions: Исполнитель can also be part of idiomatic expressions in Russian, such as: 1. "Поступать по указанию верховного исполнителя" - to act on the orders of the supreme executor. 2. "Исполнитель важных поручений" - the performer of important tasks. 3. "Неудачный исполнитель" - an unsuccessful performer.
Example sentences with idiomatic expressions: - Агент получил задание от верховного исполнителя. (The agent received a task from the supreme executor.) - Он был одним из важных исполнителей в этой компании. (He was one of the important performers in this company.) - Она не смогла доказать свою компетенцию как исполнитель важных поручений. (She couldn't prove her competence as a performer of important tasks.)
Etymology: The word "исполнитель" comes from the verb "исполнять" (to perform/execute) with the suffix "-тель" added, indicating a person who performs or executes the action.
Synonyms: - Исполнитель - актер ("actor"), артист ("artist"), музыкант ("musician") - Исполнить - сделать ("to do"), выполнить ("to complete"), достигнуть ("to achieve")
Antonyms: - Получатель ("recipient") - the person receiving the action. - Наблюдатель ("observer") - a person observing rather than performing.