The word "коллегия" in Russian refers to a collegiate body or council, usually in an administrative or academic context. It can also mean a group of colleagues working together on a specific task or project.
In the Russian language, "коллегия" is more frequently used in written contexts rather than oral speech, especially in official documents, academic settings, or historical contexts.
На заседании коллегии было принято решение о новом проекте. English: At the meeting of the collegiate body, a decision was made regarding the new project.
У нашей коллегии хорошо сложилась работа над отчётом. English: Our group of colleagues has been working well on the report.
"Коллегия" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in the Russian language.
The word "коллегия" has Latin roots, derived from "collegium," meaning "partnership" or "association."