кумовство - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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кумовство (russian) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: [kumovstvo]

Meanings and Usage: "Кумовство" is a Russian noun that refers to the relationship between the godparents of the same child or between a person and their child's godparents. It is used to describe a special kind of kinship or friendship that exists between the parents and godparents of a child. This word is mainly used in informal contexts and is more common in spoken language rather than in written form.

Verb Forms: N/A

Examples: 1. "У нас семья очень близкая, у нас даже такое есть кумовство." (Our families are very close, we even have this relationship of godparenthood between us.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Кумовство" is often associated with the concept of mutual help and support between godparents and the parents of a child. It can also be used to describe a close relationship or partnership between individuals. Here are some idiomatic expressions with "кумовство":

  1. "Держать кумовство" - to maintain a close relationship or alliance.
  2. "Связаны кумовством" - connected by godparenthood.
  3. "Устроить кумовское пиршество" - to organize a celebration with godparents.

Etymology: The word "кумовство" is derived from the noun "кум" meaning "godfather" or "godmother" and the suffix "-ство" which is used to form abstract nouns denoting a state or quality.

Synonyms: - Крестное отношение (krestnoe otnoshenie) - godparent relationship - Близкое общение (blizkoe obshchenie) - close relationship, intimacy

Antonyms: - Незнакомец (neznakomec) - stranger - Расстояние (rasstoyanie) - distance, detachment