Part of Speech: Noun
Phonetic Transcription: [pa-oo-che-nee-ye]
Meanings and Usage Patterns: The word "поучение" in Russian translates to "moralizing" or "lesson". It is used to describe a piece of advice, instruction, or a moralizing speech aimed at educating or improving someone's behavior. This word is more commonly used in written language, such as literature, articles, or formal discussions, rather than in everyday oral speech. It is a formal term that conveys a sense of imparting wisdom or guidance.
Verb Forms: The word "поучение" is a noun and does not have applicable verb forms.
Examples in Context: 1. Литературное произведение закончилось поучением о важности семейных ценностей. (The literary work ended with a moralizing on the importance of family values.) 2. Его речь была наполнена поучениями о том, как важно быть добрым по отношению к окружающим. (His speech was filled with lessons on the importance of being kind to others.)
Idiomatic Expressions: The word "поучение" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions in Russian.
Etymology: The word "поучение" comes from the verb "учить" (to teach), with the prefix "по-" indicating a tendency for something, in this case, moral teachings or guidance.
Synonyms and Antonyms: Synonyms: урок (lesson), совет (advice), наставление (guidance) Antonyms: бесполезность (uselessness), беспомощность (helplessness), невежество (ignorance)