VDSL - significado y definición. Qué es VDSL
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Qué (quién) es VDSL - definición

Η τεχνολογία Very-high-bitrate DSL (VDSL ή VHDSL) είναι μια DSL τεχνολογία που προσφέρει γρηγορότερους ρυθμούς μετάδοσης δεδομένων από το ADSL/ADSL2+.
Ejemplos de uso de VDSL
1. The German regulator had wanted to exempt all services piped over VDSL–lines.
2. ADSL, VDSL and wireless all have the same basic pipeline and Vietnam needs local content and transmissions.
3. Matthias Kurth, Germany‘s chief regulator, informed Ms Reding in mid–October that VDSL technology was so new that no market for it yet existed in the country.
4. A spokesman for Viviane Reding, European telecoms commissioner, said: "We insist that the development of the VDSL market in Germany follows the EU rules and that the dominant player will not be given a head start in a monopoly." Other EU countries had agreed to regulate their VDSL markets, the Commission added.
5. The German regulator now has until early next year to persuade Brussels that its definition of the VDSL market is legitimate.