fine1 [f??n]
¦ adjective
1. of very high quality.
healthy and feeling well.
(of the weather) bright and clear.
(of speech or writing) sounding impressive but ultimately insincere: fine words.
(of gold or silver) containing a specified high proportion of pure metal.
2. very thin: fine hair.
consisting of small particles.
of delicate or intricate workmanship.
subtle and therefore perceptible with difficulty: a fine distinction.
(of a faculty) sensitive and discriminating.
3. Cricket behind the wicket and close to the line of flight of the bowling.
¦ noun (fines) very small particles found in mining or milling.
¦ adverb
1. informal in a satisfactory or pleasing manner.
2. Cricket to a fine position.
¦ verb
1. clarify (beer or wine) by causing the precipitation of sediment.
2. (usu. fine something down or fine down) make or become thinner.
3. (fine up) N. English & Austral./NZ informal (of the weather) become bright and clear.
cut it (or things) fine allow a very small margin of time.
one's finer feelings one's conscience or sense of morality.
one's finest hour the time of one's greatest success.
not to put too fine a point on it speak bluntly.
finely adverb
fineness noun
ME: from OFr.
fin, based on L.
finire (see
fine2 [f??n]
¦ noun a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority.
¦ verb punish by a fine.
fineable adjective
ME: from OFr. fin 'end, payment', from L. finis 'end' (in med. L. denoting a sum paid on settling a lawsuit).
fine3 [fi:n]
¦ noun
1. French brandy of high quality made from distilled wine.
fine4 ['fi:ne?]
¦ noun Music the place where a piece of music finishes (when at the end of a repeated section rather than at the end of the score).
Ital., from L. finis 'end'.