1. He‘s the best for these times," he says unenthusiastically.
2. Unenthusiastically, he joined a local bank and dreamed of becoming an actor.
3. At the entrance to the classroom they unenthusiastically removed the burden of their backpacks and sat down at their desks.
4. But Mr Mandelson said the European crisis had given the prime minister "a fresh calling . . . . a fresh challenge". The British government reacted unenthusiastically to suggestions by German officials yesterday that the 13 EU member states who had yet to ratify the treaty had a "duty" to proceed.
5. But Mr Mandelson said the European crisis had given the prime minister "a fresh calling ... a fresh challenge". The British government reacted unenthusiastically to suggestions by German officials yesterday that the 13 EU member states that have yet to ratify the treaty had a "duty" to proceed.