examination, set of questions
1) to administer, conduct, give a test
2) to draw up, make up, set (BE) a test
3) to take a test
4) to fail; pass a test
5) a demanding, difficult; easy test
6) an achievement; aptitude; intelligence; loyalty (esp. AE); placement; proficiency test
7) a completion; free-association; lie-detector; multiple-choice; objective; true-and-false test
8) a competency; means test
9) a test in, on (a test in mathematics; a test on new material)
trial, experiment
10) to carry out, conduct, do, run a test
11) exhaustive, extensive, thorough tests
12) an acid, demanding, exacting, severe test
13) a blood; diagnostic; endurance; laboratory; litmus; means; nuclear; paraffin; Pap; patch; paternity; personality; psychological; road; saliva; screen; skin; tuberculin test
14) a test for (to do a skin test for tuberculosis)
15) a test on (they conducted a series of tests on me at the health center)
16) (misc.) to stand the test of time; the test turned out to be positive; to put smb. to the test
1) (D; intr., tr.) to test for (to test for excessive air pollution; to test the urine for sugar)
2) (D; tr.) to test in (we tested them in English)
3) (P; intr.) some of our students tested in the top percentile
4) (esp. AE) (s) some students test high, others low