Aborigine - traducción al español
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Aborigine - traducción al español

Aborigines; Aboriginals; Aboriginal; Aborigine (disambiguation); Aboriginees; Aboriginies; Aboriginine; Aboriginee; Aboriginal identity; Aboriginal (disambiguation)

(n.) = aborigen australiano
Ex: This region, known as the Kimberley, has been home to Aborigines for more than 40,000 years.
aborigen, australino
aborigen australiano


Aborigines are members of the tribes that were living in Australia when Europeans arrived there.
N-COUNT: usu pl



Aborigine, aborigine or aboriginal may refer to:

  • Aborigines (mythology), in Roman mythology
  • Indigenous peoples, general term for ethnic groups who are the earliest known inhabitants of an area
  • One of several groups of indigenous peoples, see List of indigenous peoples, including:
    • Aboriginal Australians (Aborigine is an archaic term that is considered offensive)
    • Indigenous peoples in Canada, also known as Aboriginal Canadians
    • Orang Asli or Malayan aborigines
    • Taiwanese indigenous peoples, formerly known as Taiwanese aborigines
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Aborigine
1. to do a cover story on Aborigines.
Day in the Life Books _ Rick Smolan _ Talks at Google
2. the Aborigines were probably the three main.
Shaman _ Kim Stanley Robinson _ Talks Google
3. Aborigines, the Inuit, and the Athapaskans, because I was in
Shaman _ Kim Stanley Robinson _ Talks Google
4. worked with Aborigines to take me into the campus
Day in the Life Books _ Rick Smolan _ Talks at Google
5. And I shot pictures of Aborigines all day
Day in the Life Books _ Rick Smolan _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Aborigine
1. May be the final could be just the right stage for the aborigine sensation.
2. Last year, rioting broke out in a mainly Aborigine area of Sydney.
3. "I think it‘s fantastic that they‘ve for the first time acknowledged the Ngunnawal traditional owners," local Aborigine Dave Johnston said.
4. So familiar is the whale that it has been given the name Migaloo which means "white fella" in Aborigine.
5. Ironically, among the possible targets is another extremely rare, if not unique, white whale – a humpback – Australians have named Migaloo, which means ‘white fella‘ in the Aborigine language.