* al azar = at random, by chance, haphazardly, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, random, randomly, pot luck, hit (and/or) miss, odd, by a fluke.
* asignado al azar = randomised [randomized, -USA].
* azares = vicissitudes, ups and downs.
* comprobación al azar = spot check.
* control al azar = spot check.
* dejado al azar = stochastic.
* dejar Algo al azar = leave + Nombre + to chance.
* distribuido al azar = randomised [randomized, -USA].
* escoger al azar = pick at + random.
* escogido al azar = randomly chosen [randomly-chosen].
* inspección al azar = spot check.
* juegos de azar = gambling.
* jugar al azar = gamble.
* muestra al azar = random sample.
* muestreo al azar = random sampling.
* muestreo al azar estratificado = stratified random sampling.
* muestreo al azar simple = simple random sampling.
* que deja mucho al azar = hit-or-miss.
* seleccionado al azar = randomly chosen [randomly-chosen].