Austro-Hungarian Empire
Austro - Hungary; Austro-Hungarian Empire; Austro-Hungarian empire; Austria Hungary; Austro-Hungarian; Austro-Hungary; Austro-Hungarian Monarchy; Austro-hungary; Austro Hungarian Empire; Autro-Hungarian empire; Austria-hungary; Austro-hungarian empire; Austo-Hungarian empire; Austrian-Hungarian empire; Austria-Hungary Empire; Austrian-Hungarian Empire; Austro-Hungarians; Austria-Hungarian Empire; Austro–Hungarian Empire; Austro-Hungaria; Austro Hungary; Austro-Hungarian monarchy; Austrian-Hungarian; Avstro-Ogrska; Austrian Hungarian Kingdom; The Dual Monarchy; The Dual monarchy; The dual monarchy; Dual State; Austriahungary; Austro hungarian monarchy; Österreich-Ungarn; Austria–Hungary; Österreich-ungarn; Austrialia–Hungary; Austro hungarian; Austria-Hungarian; History of Austria-Hungary; Österreichisch-Ungarisches Reich; Osztrák-Magyar Birodalom; Austria-Hungary during World War I; History of Austria-Hungary during World War I; Austrialia-Hungary; Austro Hungarian empire; Austria-Hungary empire; The Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council and the Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of St. Stephen; Demographics of Austria-Hungary; Austria hungary; The Kingdom and lands represented in the Imperial Council and the lands of the Holy Hungarian crown of Saint Stephen; Austro–Hungarian Monarchy; Austro Hungarian monarchy
het Oostenrijks-Hongaarse Keizerrijk (koningshuis van Habsburg dat tot 1918 de leiding had over Centraal-Europa)