Ejemplos de uso de quadrupole
1. The quadrupole anomaly The satellite also revealed an oddity concerning the way in which portions of the sky contribute to the overall map of cosmic microwaves.
2. Bigger headache While NASA astrophysicist Gary Hinshaw at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., felt it "fair to say that the data weakly favor the ellipsoidal model," he told SPACE.com that invoking an ellipsoid shape for the universe to solve the quadrupole anomaly created a bigger headache involving why the universe might be ellipsoid to begin with.
3. Now astrophysicist Leonardo Campanelli of the University of Ferrara and his colleagues Paolo Cea and Luigi Tedesco at the University of Bari, all in Italy, have found that a universe shaped a bit like an oval can explain this so–called "quadrupole anomaly." If the universe did not expand as a sphere after atoms first formed but instead as a slightly more elongated shape known as an ellipsoid, that would explain the odd cosmic microwave intensities seen at the largest scales, the researchers suggest.