MARC Exchange Tape - traducción al
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MARC Exchange Tape - traducción al

Thread tape; Teflon tape; PTFE tape; Plumber's tape; Pipe tape
  • PTFE tape used for different sized fittings
  • PTFE tape applied on an NPT fitting, in the direction of the threads.
  • PTFE tape for natural gas
  • Thread seal tape is wrapped around the threads, lubricating the connection and allowing the two pieces to be screwed deeper together.

gossip columns         
  • [[Cindy Adams]] (April 2007)
  • [[Louella Parsons]] (1937)
  • [[Michael Musto]] (March 2007)
Marc E Bassy; Marc Bassy; East Hollywood (EP); Marc E. Bassy discography; Plot Twist (Marc E. Bassy song); Gossip Columns; Gossip Columns (album); Gossip Columns (Marc E. Bassy album); Postmodern Depression; Where We're From; Where We're From (song); Where We're From (Marc E. Bassy song); PMD (album); PMD (Marc E. Bassy album); Die Hard (Marc E. Bassy song); Save Me (Marc E. Bassy song)
Las columnas de chismorreo
MARC format         
MARC country code; USMARC; MARC 21; Machine Readable Cataloging; MARCXML; MARC21; Marc record; MARC format; UNIMARC; MARC record; CAN/MARC; CANMARC; Machine-Readable Cataloging; Machine-readable cataloging; MARCs; MaRC
(n.) = formato MARC
Ex: The large cataloguing record data bases are structured according to a format known as the MARC format.
MARC country code; USMARC; MARC 21; Machine Readable Cataloging; MARCXML; MARC21; Marc record; MARC format; UNIMARC; MARC record; CAN/MARC; CANMARC; Machine-Readable Cataloging; Machine-readable cataloging; MARCs; MaRC
(n.) = CANMARC

Def: En catalogación, MARC de Canadá.
Ex: To this database were added the National Library's AUSMARC and selected UK and CANMARC records.


Marc Andreessen
<person> The man who founded {Netscape Communications Corporation} in April 1994 with Dr. James H. Clark. Andreessen has been a director since September 1994. As an undergraduate at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Andreessen created the Mosaic web browser prototype with a team of students and staff at the university's National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). With a friendly, point-and-click method for navigating the Internet and free distribution to network users, NCSA Mosaic gained an estimated two million users worldwide in just over one year. Andreessen earned his bachelor of science degree in computer science at the University of Illinois in 1993. {Home (}. (1999-04-12)


Thread seal tape

Thread seal tape (also known as PTFE tape, Teflon tape, or plumber's tape) is a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film tape commonly used in plumbing for sealing pipe threads. The tape is sold cut to specific widths and wound on a spool, making it easy to wind around pipe threads. Thread seal tape lubricates allowing for a deeper seating of the threads, and it helps prevent the threads from seizing when being unscrewed. The tape also works as a deformable filler and thread lubricant, helping to seal the joint without hardening or making it more difficult to tighten, and instead making it easier to tighten. It also protects the threads of both pieces from direct contact with each other and physical wear, and helps seal and prevent leaks from the connection.

Typically the tape is wrapped in the same direction the male threads go for tightening, and commonly used commercially in applications including pressurized water systems, central heating systems, and air compression equipment.