Diccionario ChatGPT basado en inteligencia artificial
Diccionario ChatGPT

Diccionario inglés-árabe

(    -    1    2    5    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    É    آ    أ    إ    ا    ب    ت    ث    ج    ح    خ    د    ذ    ر    ز    س    ش    ص    ض    ط    ظ    ع    غ    ـ    ف    ق    ك    ل    م    ن    ه    و    ي    َ    ُ   
Palabras que comienzan con "K": 2557
key and keyway attachment
key board
key board cover
key board enhancer
key board layout
key caps
key clinical findings
key code
key combination (also called keyboard equivalent)
key compression
key escrow
key field
key figure
key holder
key industry
key money
key of attachment
key pad
key pinch
key plan
key poard template
key position
key punch
key punching
key recovery
key ring
key sequence
key station
key town
key transformation
key typeout, respond
key word
key, activate
key, actual
key, carriage restore
key, check reset
key, display control
key, index
key, initiate
key, load
key, major
key, primary
key, protection
key, secondary
key, sequencing
key, single cycle
key, stop
key, storage
key, symbolic
key, tape-load
key, write
key, write-field
key-and-keyway attachment
key-sequenced data set
key-to-disk shared processor system
keybaord punch
keyboard buffer
keyboard classes
keyboard computer
keyboard control keys
keyboard controller
keyboard function keys