Diccionario ChatGPT basado en inteligencia artificial
Diccionario ChatGPT

Diccionario inglés-árabe

(    -    1    2    5    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    É    آ    أ    إ    ا    ب    ت    ث    ج    ح    خ    د    ذ    ر    ز    س    ش    ص    ض    ط    ظ    ع    غ    ـ    ف    ق    ك    ل    م    ن    ه    و    ي    َ    ُ   
Palabras que comienzan con "W": 7174
white cell
white cell count
white coat
white commissure of spinal cord
white copperas
white corpuscle
white corpuscles
white damp
white dermatographism
white diarrhea
white egret
white elephant
white erysipelas
white faced
white feather
white fibers
white fibrocartilage
white fibrous tissue
white finger
white flag
white flannels
white folded gingivostomatitis
white frost
white garnet
white gazelle
white gold
white gold casting alloy
white graft
white graft reaction
white hair
white head
white heat
white hellebore
white hope
white horses
white hot
white house
white infarct
white iron
white laminae of cerebellum
white layers of cerebellum
white layers of superior colliculus
white lead
white leg
white lie
white light
white limbal girdle of Vogt
white line
white line of ischiococcygeal muscle
white line of pelvic fascia
white line of pelvis
white line of pharynx
white lotion
white lung
white man
white matter of nervous system
white metal
white metal alloys
white mineral oil
white mold
white mouth
white muscle
white mustard
white mycetoma
white noise
white oak bark
white of egg
white oils
white ointment
white paper