Diccionario ChatGPT basado en inteligencia artificial
Diccionario ChatGPT

Diccionario inglés-español

"    #    (    -    /    1    2    3    4    5    7    8    9    @    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    ¡    ¿    Á    É    Í    Ñ    Ó    Ú   
Palabras que comienzan con "I": 15524
if 2
if I am not mistaken
if all goes well
if and when 1
if and when 2
if any
if anything
if anything should happen to
if applicable
if appropriate
if at all 1
if at all 2
if at all feasible
if at all possible
if ever
if it comes to the crunch
if it ever was
if it were not
if looks could kill...
if my hunch is right
if need be
if not
if not + Verbo
if not 1
if not 2
if not 3
if not always
if not now-when?
if nothing else
if often
if only
if only because
if only there was
if possible
if so
if that is the case
if the flame has fallen among the cedars
if the mighty have succumbed how shall the weak emerge unscathed?
if the sky falls we shall catch larks
if the truth be known
if the truth be told
if the worst comes to the worst
if this is not the case
if this is the case
if we only knew
if we"re already at that
if you can"t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
if you cannot beat it learn to ride with it
if you don"t like it you can lump it
if you don"t mind
if you don"t want
if you don"t wish
if you like
if you please
if you want
if you will
if you wish
iffy [iffier -comp., iffiest -sup.]
iglesia apostólica
iglesia católica
iglesia oriental
iglesia ortodoxa oriental
iglesia parroquial