جرار قطع الشجرة - traduction vers Anglais
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جرار قطع الشجرة - traduction vers Anglais

خالدة جرار
  • Palestinian parliament member Khalida Jarrar with MK [[Ayman Odeh]] Head of the [[Joint List]] after the Israeli authorities released her

جرار قطع الشجرة      

tree cutter

القطع المكافئ         
  • ترسم الكرة المتنططة أقواسا في شكل قطع مكافيء.
  • مرصد كيك يتكون من مرصدين
  • ليوناردو دافنشي]].
  • قطع مكافيء: خواص البؤرة F.
  • صورة للقطع المكافئ
  • منحنى مكافئي يوضح خط اختياري (L), والبؤرة (F), ورأس القطع المكافئ (V). الخط L هو خط اختياري عمودي على محور التماثل من جهة البؤرة، ويبعد عن V أكثر مما يبعد عن F ، طول أي خط F - P<sub>n</sub> - Q<sub>n</sub> متساو، هذا يعني أن القطع المكافئ هو قطع ناقص إحدى بؤرتيه تقع عند مالا نهاية.
  • منحنى مكافئي يوضح الدليل (L) والبؤرة (F)، ويتضح أن المسافة من أي نقطة P<sub>n</sub> إلى البؤرة هي دائمًا نفس المسافة من P<sub>n</sub> إلى أي نقطة Q<sub>n</sub> تقع على الدليل أسفلها مباشرة.
  • قطوع مخروطية]].
  • طبق استقبال التلفاز
  • نافورة المياه ترسم مسارات في شكل القطع المكافيء.
نوع من المنحنى، وهو أحد القطوع المخروطية الثلاثة المعروفة
قطع مكافيء; قطع مكافىء; القطع المكافئ; القطع المكافيء; شلجم (رياضيات); شلجمي; القطع المتكافئ; Parabola; قطوع مكافئة


tree cutter      
جرار قطع الشجرة


Khalida Jarrar

Khalida Jarrar (Arabic: خالدة جرار; born 9 February 1963) is a Palestinian politician. She is a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). She was elected to the PLC in January 2006 as one of the PFLP's three deputies and has continued to serve as an elected representative ever since. She is also the Palestinian representative on the Council of Europe and is currently head of the Prisoners Committee of the PLC. She played a major role in Palestine's application to join the International Criminal Court.

She has been arrested multiple times by the Israeli authorities. Several of these arrests resulted in administrative detention without any charges being brought. She has also been charged withof "incitement and involvement in terror" by an Israeli military court. The incitement charge refers to public statements she made in 2012 in which she criticized the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. The court sentenced her to 15 months in prison, of which she served 6, before being released after an international campaign on her behalf.

In March 2021, after having been held without charge since 2019, she was sentenced by an Israeli military court to two years in prison after a plea bargain, in which she declared herself guilty of membership in an organization, the PFLP, which Israel regards as a terrorist group. She has gone on record to state that her plea bargaining is due to the exhaustingly protracted nature of legal proceedings, lack of faith in Israel's military courts, and the threat, unless she admits guilt, of serving a 7 year sentence. She was released on 26 September 2021.