¦ noun
1. the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
Brit. protective custody or guardianship provided for children by a local authority.
2. serious attention or consideration applied to an action or plan.
3. a feeling of or occasion for anxiety: she hadn't a care in the world.
¦ verb
1. feel concern or interest: I don't care what she says.
2. (care for) feel affection or liking.
3. (care for/to do something) like to have or be willing to do something.
4. (care for) look after and provide for the needs of.
care of at the address of.
take care
1. be cautious; keep oneself safe.
2. make sure of doing something.
take care of
1. keep safe and provided for.
2. deal with.
caring noun & adjective
caringly adverb
OE caru (n.), carian (v.), of Gmc origin.