Yellow Pages - définition. Qu'est-ce que Yellow Pages
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Yellow Pages - définition

Yellow Page; Die Gelben Seiten; Yellowpages; Yellowbook; Gouden gids; Yello pages; Yellow 20pages; Spyur; Indian yellow page; Pages Jaunes; Web yellow pages; Web Yellow Pages; Web Yellow pages; Yellopages; Páginas Amarelas, S.A.; Paginas Amarelas, S.A.; Yellow Pages; Yellow Book (directory)
  • Canadian yellow pages logo
  • Yellowbook Logo used in the United States

Yellow Pages         
¦ plural noun (trademark in the UK and South Africa) a telephone directory printed on yellow paper and listing businesses according to the goods or services they offer.
Yellow Pages         
Yellow Pages is a book that contains advertisements and telephone numbers for businesses and organizations in a particular area, grouped according to the type of business they do. Compare White Pages
N-UNCOUNT: also a N
Yellow Pages         


Yellow pages

The yellow pages are telephone directories of businesses, organized by category rather than alphabetically by business name, in which advertising is sold. The directories were originally printed on yellow paper, as opposed to white pages for non-commercial listings. The traditional term "yellow pages" is now also applied to online directories of businesses.

In many countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and elsewhere, "Yellow Pages" (or any applicable local translations), as well as the "Walking Fingers" logo first introduced in the 1970s by the Bell System-era AT&T, are registered trademarks, though the owner varies from country to country, usually being held by the main national telephone company (or a subsidiary or spinoff thereof). However, in the United States, neither the name nor the logo was registered as trademarks by AT&T, and they are freely used by several publishers.

Exemples de prononciation pour Yellow Pages
1. Yellow Pages, all those?
Rethinking Home Care _ Sandy Jen _ Talks at Google
2. the Yellow Pages.
The Pun Also Rises _ John Pollack _ Talks at Google
3. I said, "Pass me the yellow pages."
4. the online Yellow Pages of China.
Crazy is a Compliment _ Linda Rottenberg _ Talks at Google
5. Well, I said, pass me the yellow pages.
Janine Shepherd _ Why Walk When You Can Fly! _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Yellow Pages
1. "We reach for the Yellow Pages," Morris told jurors.
2. He never found out – the Yellow Pages didn‘t cover snake–hire.
3. Most of these categories are commercial: Games, Mobile Web, Music, Shopping, Travel, Video ,Yellow Pages, etc.
4. You can also look in the Yellow Pages for coin dealers.
5. It said Yellow Pages directories has decided to stop accepting advertisements from unregulated clinics.