make$46364$ - définition. Qu'est-ce que make$46364$
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est make$46364$ - définition

MAKE architects; MAKE Architects
  • 5 Broadgate

MAKE; Makes; Make (disambiguation)
<programming, tool> The Unix tool to automate the recompilation, linking etc. of programs, taking account of the interdependencies of modules and their modification times. Make reads instructions from a "makefile" which specifies a set of targets to be built, the files they depend on and the commands to execute in order to produce them. Most C systems come with a make. There is also one produce by GNU. ["Make - A Program for Maintaining Computer Programs", A.I. Feldman, TR No 57, Bell Labs Apr 1977]. (1995-01-05)
MAKE; Makes; Make (disambiguation)
·vt To be engaged or concerned in.
II. Make ·noun A companion; a mate; often, a husband or a wife.
III. Make ·vt To put a desired or desirable condition; to cause to thrive.
IV. Make ·noun Structure, texture, constitution of parts; construction; shape; form.
V. Make ·vi To compose verses; to write poetry; to Versify.
VI. Make ·vt To execute with the requisite formalities; as, to make a bill, note, will, deed, ·etc.
VII. Make ·vt To cause to appear to be; to constitute subjectively; to esteem, suppose, or represent.
VIII. Make ·vt To Reach; to Attain; to arrive at or in sight of.
IX. Make ·vt To produce, as something artificial, unnatural, or false;
- often with up; as, to make up a story.
X. Make ·vi To Increase; to Augment; to Accrue.
XI. Make ·vt To form of materials; to cause to exist in a certain form; to Construct; to Fabricate.
XII. Make ·vt To compose, as parts, ingredients, or materials; to Constitute; to Form; to amount to.
XIII. Make ·vi To Tend; to Contribute; to have effect;
- with for or against; as, it makes for his advantage.
XIV. Make ·vt To cause to be or become; to put into a given state verb, or adjective; to Constitute; as, to make known; to make public; to make fast.
XV. Make ·vi To act in a certain manner; to have to do; to Manage; to Interfere; to be active;
- often in the phrase to meddle or make.
XVI. Make ·vi To Proceed; to Tend; to Move; to Go; as, he made toward home; the tiger made at the sportsmen.
XVII. Make ·vt To gain, as the result of one's efforts; to get, as profit; to make acquisition of; to have accrue or happen to one; as, to make a large profit; to make an error; to make a loss; to make money.
XVIII. Make ·vt To cause to exist; to bring into being; to Form; to Produce; to Frame; to Fashion; to Create.
XIX. Make ·vt To Become; to be, or to be capable of being, changed or fashioned into; to do the part or office of; to furnish the material for; as, he will make a good musician; sweet cider makes sour vinegar; wool makes warm clothing.
XX. Make ·vt To Require; to Constrain; to Compel; to Force; to Cause; to Occasion;
- followed by a noun or pronoun and infinitive.
XXI. Make ·vt To find, as the result of calculation or computation; to ascertain by enumeration; to find the number or amount of, by reckoning, weighing, measurement, and the like; as, he made the distance of; to travel over; as, the ship makes ten knots an hour; he made the distance in one day.
XXII. Make ·vt To bring about; to bring forward; to be the cause or agent of; to effect, do, perform, or execute;
- often used with a noun to form a phrase equivalent to the simple verb that corresponds to such noun; as, to make complaint, for to complain; to make record of, for to record; to make abode, for to abide, ·etc.
MAKE; Makes; Make (disambiguation)
n. (colloq.)
search for gain or sexual favors
on the make (he's always on the make)
1) (A) ('to propose') she made an offer to us; or: she made us an offer
2) (C) ('to prepare') make an omelet for me; or: make me an omelet
3) (d; intr.) to make for ('to head for') (she made for the exit; the ship made for the open sea)
4) (d; intr.) to make for ('to lead to') (willingness to compromise makes for success in negotiations)
5) (D; tr.) ('to provide') to make for (to make room for smb.)
6) (D; tr.) ('to create') to make from, of, out of (to make butter from cream; she made a table out of wood; tires can be made from/of/out of synthetic rubber)
7) (d; tr.) ('to transform') to make into (to make a novel into a film; the experience made her into a skeptic)
8) (slang) (AE) (d; intr.) to make like ('to imitate') (to make like a clown)
9) (d; tr.) to make of ('to interpret') (what do you make of their offer?)
10) (d; tr.) ('to create') to make of, out of (to make a fool of smb.; the army made a man out of him)
11) (D; tr.) ('to create') to make with (you make a stew with meat and vegetables)
12) (I) ('to cause'); ('to force') she made the children clean their room; we made them wait; the police could not make him talk
13) (N; used with an adjective, noun, past participle) ('to cause to become') the news made us happy; the rough sea made them seasick; we made our position clear; he made me his deputy; she could not make herself understood
14) (S; used with nouns) ('to prove to be') she made a good deputy
15) (misc.) (AE; colloq.) he finally made colonel ('he was finally promoted to the rank of colonel') USAGE NOTE: When pattern I is put into the passive, to is inserted--they were made to wait. (see the Usage Note for made)


Make Architects

Make Architects is an international architecture practice headquartered in London that also has offices in offices in Hong Kong and Sydney. Founded in 2004 by former Foster + Partners architect Ken Shuttleworth. The practice has a variety of projects including high-rise office buildings, large mixed-use schemes, urban masterplanning, sports and leisure, private and social housing, civic and education buildings, and interior design. The company is employee-owned and has about 150 partners, which it refers to as "makers".