Trigonometric functions
TrigonometricFunctions; Trigonmetic function; Cosecant; Cotangent; Cosec; Logarithmic sine; Logarithmic tangent; Circular trigonometric function; Circular function; Trigonometric Function; Trigonometric Functions; Tangens; Trigonometry table; Tangent (trigonometry); Circular functions; Trig function; Trig functions; Sin-cos-tan; Sine-cosine-tangent; Sine cosine tangent; Sin cos tan; Cotangent (trigonometric function); Tangent (trigonometric function); Tan(); Wrapping functions; Wrapping function; Tangent function; Prosthaphaeresis formulas; Sin^2(x); Secant function; Tan(x); Trig ratios; Trigonometric function; Kosinus; Kotangens; Kosekans; Sekans; Secans; Cot(x); Sec(x); Cosec(x); Trigonometic functions; Angle function; Cotg; Secant (trigonometric function); Cos X; Csc(x); Tan (function); Tangent (function); Trigonometric ratio; Secant (trigonometry); Cosecant (trigonometry); Cosinus rectus; Vertical cosine; Secant and cosecant; Sinus secundus; Cotangens; Cosecans; Sinus rectus secundus; Sinus secundus arcus; Sine complement; Sinus complementi; Prosinus; Local cosine tree; Tan (trigonometry); Cot (trigonometry); Sec (trigonometry); Cosec (trigonometry); Csc (trigonometry); Cotan (trigonometry); Ctg (trigonometry); Tg (trigonometry); Tg (trigonometric function); Ctg (trigonometric function); Tangens complementi; Secans complementi; Tangent complement; Secant complement; Secans interior; Goniometric functions; Goniometric function; Angle functions; Natural cosine; Natural tangent; Natural cotangent; Natural secant; Natural cosecant; Logarithmic cosine; Logarithmic cotangent; Logarithmic secant; Logarithmic cosecant; Tan function; Sin. com.; Cos.; Sco (trigonometry); Sc (trigonometry); Cos. (trigonometry); Tan. (trigonometry); T (trigonometry); Tang. (trigonometry); Tc (trigonometry); Cotangent function; Cosecant function; Sincostan
In mathematics, the trigonometric functions (also called circular functions, angle functions or goniometric functions) are real functions which relate an angle of a right-angled triangle to ratios of two side lengths. They are widely used in all sciences that are related to geometry, such as navigation, solid mechanics, celestial mechanics, geodesy, and many others.