Exemples du corpus de texte pour Ibid
1. A27. [15]See U.S country Report from 1''1–2002. [16] See U.S reports on human rights, Amnesty international and Human Rights Watch Reports. [17] See U.S reports on human rights, Amnesty international and Human Rights Watch Reports. [18] Human Rights Watch World Report 2004 p. 1. [1'] Ibid. [20] Human Rights Watch World Report 2004 p. 2. [21] 2004 Country Report p. 1. [22] 2005 Country Report p.2 [23] Ibid. [24] Ibid. p.4 [25] The World Bank: Governance and Human Rights 1''5. at 34 [26] Ibrahim F.I.
2. Then two officers fired in the air, dispersing the crowd, and the police left in a pick–up, taking the dead womans husband." (Ibid. killing a mother for the crime of crying to protest the unjust arrest of her husband) "A crackdown on this scale has not been seen in Africa for 20 years ... Apartheid–era South Africas onslaught against the black townships in the 1'80s provides the only recent comparison."(Ibid) 1.
3. "[1']ibid "Security forces frequently arrest civilians, claiming that they are members of ... the Oromo Liberation Front ..." [20]. 2003 U.S Country Report "The government human rights record remained poor: although there were improvements in few areas, serious problems remained.
4. Again, within South in Benchi Maji Zone 1000 people were displaced (ibid). This statistics is just the tip of the iceberg about the many EPRDF indirect wars on the citizens in Ethiopia.
5. Asrat Woldeyes Speaks from Prison", Ethiopian Review, April 1''8 [6] Committee on Human Rights, "Ethiopian Political Scientist Taye Woldesemayat Released from Prison", National Academies Study Process, May 14, 2002 [7] Ibid. [8] "Justifying Charges Against Prof.