small talk - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation
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small talk (anglais) - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation

Part of speech:



Meanings and Usage:

"Small talk" refers to light conversation about common, everyday topics that are not particularly deep or important. It is often used in social situations to break the ice or to fill awkward silences. This term is more commonly used in spoken language rather than in written contexts.

Verb Forms:


Translations into French:

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Small talk" is frequently used in idiomatic expressions. Some examples include: 1. Make small talk: Engage in casual conversation. - She made small talk with her colleagues before the meeting started. - (Elle a fait la conversation avec ses collègues avant que la réunion ne commence.)

  1. Engage in small talk: Have light conversation.

    • It's important to engage in small talk to build rapport with new acquaintances.
    • (Il est important de faire de la conversation pour créer des liens avec de nouvelles connaissances.)
  2. Master the art of small talk: Become skilled at engaging in casual conversations.

    • She has mastered the art of small talk, making any situation seem comfortable.
    • (Elle a maîtrisé l'art de la conversation et rend n'importe quelle situation confortable.)


The term "small talk" originated in the early 18th century and comes from the idea of conversation "small" in terms of not being intense or profound. It emphasizes the light and casual nature of the exchange.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

