stocktaking - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation
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stocktaking (anglais) - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Meanings and usage patterns:

"Stocktaking" refers to the process of counting and recording the amount and value of goods and materials held by a business or organization. This term is commonly used in accounting and business contexts. It is more frequently used in written documents and discussions related to business operations.

Verb forms:

Not applicable for the word "stocktaking" as it is a noun.

Translations into French:


Example phrases:

  1. Our company is conducting stocktaking to update our inventory records.
  2. Notre entreprise effectue un inventaire pour mettre à jour nos registres de stocks.

  3. It is essential to perform regular stocktaking to prevent errors in accounting.

  4. Il est essentiel d'effectuer régulièrement des inventaires pour éviter les erreurs en comptabilité.

Idiomatic expressions:

"Stocktaking" is not commonly used in English idiomatic expressions.


The word "stocktaking" originated from the combination of "stock," meaning the goods or materials kept on the premises of a business, and "taking," referring to the action of counting or assessing something.

